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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MAVEDOXINE +mosquito & oval 5
MES mosquito eliminating 9
MORNITE mosquito coils 5
MORTEIN +mosquito & arrow 5
MOS-CHECK +mosquito 10
MOSCHITO +mosquito & circle 35
MOSQURE mosquito repellent 5
MYLAL +mosquito & oval 5
NAAGAVI mosquito coils 5
NETTO mosquito net 24
NOBITE +mosquito 3
PARAVUE +mosquito & arc 9
PARAVUE +mosquito & arcs 38
PAVETHRA mosquito coils 5
PRC mosquito net +arcs 22
PUNCH mosquito coil 5
QT MOS mosquito driver 9
QUINISHAL 600 +mosquito 5
REPOMOS mosquito repellent 5
RIDDHI mosquito nets 22
RISHA mosquito lotion +drop 5
ROYAL MAX TIME mosquito coi 5
SAFA mosquito lotion 5
SAINIK mosquito lotion 5
SANGAM mosquito oil +woman 5
SANTRI mosquito repellent 5
SANTRI +mosquito & oval 5
STEEL PLAST mosquito net 24
SUMO +mosquito & men 5
SUNRISE mosquito oil +insec 3
SUPADHAM mosquito repellent 5
THARAA real mosquito coil 5
TODAY ADVANCED mosquito coi 5
TUP TUP mosquito swatter ba 9
TWINKLE mosquito coil 5
VANISH MART mosquito bat 9
VECTO BAR +mosquito 5
YESPRAY mosquito repellent 5
Z PLUS mosquito repellent 5
santri mosquito repellent 3
MEKALFIN +mosquitto 5
APOLLO mosqutio repellant 5
GOPAL mosqutio repellant 5
most INVEST 16
most INVEST personal 16
most WEALTH 16, 41
LIBA the most beautiful 35
ROCAM most powerfull +globe 9
THE CAPE'S most exclusive 33
indias most wanted LERIYA 24
used most in hospital 5
mostly LIQUID 29, 30, 31
MW mostsef 9
motabag +bag 22
motel the village +hut 30
motel the village +hut & su 29
RETREAT motel/resort 28, 29
SYMPHONY electric moter 7
SNECMA moteurs +circle 1, 12
PARAGON PARA moth balls 5
mother 5, 32
mother & child 5, 10, 11, 20, 30, 42, 44
mother MARY 31
mother child & circle 5, 16, 35, 38, 40, 41, 42
mother child & drop 45
mother child drop & arcs 29
mother child hands & circle 44
mother dairy +cows 5
mother land real estate 36
mother nature +sun elephant 25
mother's HORLICKS 5
mother's TOUCH +flower 25
mother's food +arcs 30, 31
mother's kitchen +building 29, 30
mother's pride HOBBY CLUB 16
ABBA'X +mother & child 25
ABROVIT-12 +mother & child 5
AMBAI +mother child & flowe 29
ANGEL +mother child & wings 45
AQUA MOTHER +mother & child 11
AUKAR HR +mother & child 35
BABY'S WORLD +mother & chil 35
BESTOMOM +mother child hand 5
BORN BABY'S +mother & child 25, 35
CHELLAMMA +mother & child 29
CR EDEN ACTIVE +mother chil 5
CUTIE BABY +mother & child 35
DIU BABY +mother & child 35
DR. RASHMI'S +mother & chil 44
DR. SUNEERA'S +mother child 44
EARLY SMILE +mother & child 35
EDEN KING +mother & child 5
FAMILY CHOICE +mother child 29
FUTURE VISION +mother child 10
GFSI mother choice 35
GINNI salt +mother & child 30
GOOD DROP +drop mother chil 29
GRAND MOTHER +mother & chil 29
GUPTA HOSPITAL +mother chil 42
HAPPY MOM.IN +mother & chil 44
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